What Can I Do To Help?
We are currently looking for donations to help fund our planning consultancy work - we need to do this to help get our message across to the council and also the Planning Inspector. We need to raise around £5,000 before the end of February. If you would like to help with this, and can spare us a few pounds, please click on the Donate button below.
To make the council listen, we urgently need lots of residents to join our group – Felixstowe has a population of around 20,000 – We really need the support of several thousand people. So;
Please email or print this page and pass it on to as many friends & neighbours as possible. You can download a printer friendly version of this page by clicking on the PDF button here;
Email your local District Councillors THIS WEEK. On Jan 3rd, there is an SCDC full council meeting where all the Councillors will be voting on this new plan. You still have a chance to influence their vote. There are local elections coming up in May – let your Councillors know that you expect them to be putting Felixstowe interests of residents FIRST. Also let them know that you will be thinking about how THEY have voted on Jan 3rd, when you make YOUR vote in May.
Here is a list of the district councillors that will be representing Felixstowe & Trimley on Jan 3rd. Clicking on the email address will automatically start off an email for you
Andy Smith andy.smith@suffolkcoastal.gov.uk
Doreen Savage doreen.savage@suffolkcoastal.gov.uk
Mike Deacon michael.deacon@suffolkcoastal.gov.uk
Stephen Bloomfield stephen.bloomfield@suffolkcoastal.gov.uk
Peter Coleman peter.coleman@suffolkcoastal.gov.uk
Tracey Green tracey.green@suffolkcoastal.gov.uk
Graham Harding graham.harding@suffolkcoastal.gov.uk
Richard Kerry richard.kerry@suffolkcoastal.gov.uk
Susan Harvey susan.harvey@suffolkcoastal.gov.uk
Steve Gallant steve.gallant@suffolkcoastal.gov.uk
Stuart Bird stuart.bird@suffolkcoastal.gov.uk
Here is some suggested content for your email - please feel free to cut and paste this, but you might well think of something better;
Dear Councillor,
On January 3rd, there is an important vote of the SCDC full Council - i.e. approve the new Local Area Plan (Final Draft).
This new SCDC local plan will result in much more traffic, pollution and loss of countryside. Most of this is completely unnecessary.
This will mean a big reduction in the quality of life for Felixstowe residents.
So please vote against this version of the plan and request the following improvements;
- Reduce the number of new homes allocated to Felixstowe - we really do not need half the number proposed
- Remove the Innocence Lane Logistics park - it will be a completely unnecessary monstrous eyesore, and will change the character of Felixstowe forever - into an industrial area.
As a resident of Felixstowe, I do expect my local Felixstowe Councillors to be standing up for my best interests, and I will be voting next May to elect the candidates who have demonstrated that they are doing this, by voting down this plan, on Jan 3rd.
Email the East Anglian Daily Times richard.cornwell@archant.co.uk
Email your MP – Dr Therese Coffee - therese.coffey.mp@parliament.uk -tell her that you are a constituent
Attend the full SCDC meeting in Melton on Jan 3rd. This is where they will vote to approve the Final Draft Plan
Join our group, please fill-in the Sign-Up form below.